Rio de la Plata Stroomgebied – Zuid Amerika
Deze playlist neemt je mee naar het Rio de la Plata-stroomgebied in Zuid-Amerika, een van de meest biodiverse riviergebieden ter wereld. Met zijn rijke ecosystemen en unieke vissoorten biedt dit gebied een schat aan informatie voor aquaristen en natuurvrienden. De video’s in deze playlist tonen de verschillende vissoorten die dit stroomgebied bewonen, evenals hun aanpassingen aan het dynamische milieu van rivieren en meren. Je krijgt een kijkje in de natuurlijke leefomgevingen van deze vissen en hoe ze zich ontwikkelen en overleven in de diverse wateren van het Rio de la Plata.
Of je nu geïnteresseerd bent in natuurbehoud, aquascaping, of gewoon meer wilt leren over de unieke vissen die het Rio de la Plata-stroomgebied bevolken, deze playlist biedt zowel visueel spektakel als educatieve waarde. Het is een uitstekende bron van inspiratie voor iedereen die zijn kennis van aquaristiek wil verdiepen of meer wil leren over de ecologie van Zuid-Amerika.
Serpae tetras in the wild
Serpae tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques) in the Rio da Prata, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil
Serpae tetras in the wild
Serpae tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques) in the Rio da Prata, Mato Grosso ...
Serpae tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques) in the Rio da Prata, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil
Savannah stream habitat, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
A trip into the interior of Mato Grosso do Sul state in Brazil with ...
A trip into the interior of Mato Grosso do Sul state in Brazil with fellow aquarist Renan S. A. Ogiwara revealed the delights of this small stream, flowing under a ...highway and full of fascinating fish and plants.
We arrived early in the morning but found a large family by the river, busily washing their clothes with detergent. Poverty where amenities like washing machines are lacking can have a direct effect on nature: an aquatic habitat becomes filled with soap and chemicals. We returned late in the afternoon and explored upstream (away from the wash-site).
The stream runs through an area of low savannah habitat and combines fauna and flora of the upland Bodoquena plateau and the lowland Pantanal basin, creating a wonderful interchange of species. Fish included the tiny and elegant Hyphessobrycon elachys, popular in the aquarium trade, Leporinus fasciatus and the striking Leporinus striatus, the frenetic Parodon nasus, brilliant Jupiaba acanthogaster, Moenkhausia oligolepis and Moenkhausia forestii, cousins of M. sanctofilomenae, known to aquarist around the world and the cryptic Hypostomus cochliodon, wedged in crevices in the rocks as well as large numbers of tiny glittering Hemigrammus tridens, hidden in marginal vegetation and gullies.
Above and below water we found Eleocharis vivipara and E. acicularis along with Pontederia parviflora. Eriocaulons and carnivorous Utricularia sat beneath the giant leaves of Echindorus grandiflorus along the banks. In shallow areas, the stunning carpeting waterlily, Nymphaea gardneriana splashed red and oranges through the greens of Bacopa myriophylloides and ruddy red Ludwigia peruviana.
Such a habitat shows the incredible diversity and richness of the Neoptropics; a single, small, unassuming stream here contains more species of fish and aquatic plants than are found in entire countries in Europe. And the entire stream is at risk because one family doesn’t have access to a washing machine.[+] Show More
Biotope du Brésil : Poissons d'un ruisseau de Mata Atlantica - Fishipedia
Découvrez la faune aquatique d'un ruisseau de la Mata Atlantica, une ...
Découvrez la faune aquatique d'un ruisseau de la Mata Atlantica, une des forêts les plus menacées de la planète restée dans l'ombre de l'Amazonie, dans cette vidéo immersive 🌳🌿
En 2018, ...notre équipe a eu le privilège de parcourir la côte Sud-Est du Brésil, révélant un trésor de biodiversité souvent négligé. Cette forêt tropicale abrite une large variété d'écosystèmes qui ont favorisé la diversité incroyable des espèces de poissons.
Pendant des années, cette région est restée largement méconnue, avec des études limitées principalement au domaine scientifique. Un livre paru en 2007 répertoriait environ 300 espèces, dont 267 uniques à la Mata Atlantica. Lors de notre premier voyage, nous avons exploré la réserve naturelle "Legado das Aguas" où un biologiste passionné nous a guidés à travers une forêt préservée de l'influence humaine.
Observez les poissons sauvages évoluer dans leur environnement naturel. 🌎🐟
#mataatlantica #Biodiversité #ForêtTropicale
Copyright Fishipedia - B. Chartrer[+] Show More
Black Neon Tetra Habitat
Exploring a creek within the Taquari river basin in the north of the ...
Exploring a creek within the Taquari river basin in the north of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, which is home to the famous Black Neon Tetra, Hyphessobrycon ...herbertaxelrodi.
The habitat has been degraded thanks to the dumping of rubbish and construction materials after a bridge was rebuilt over the creek. The habitat is also surrounded by encroaching cattle ranches and soy farms, which contribute to the destruction of waterways through nutrient inflow, agrotoxins, the trampling of riverbanks, sedimentation and water extraction and diversion.
Thanks to recent rains, the water was at times cloudy, but still an an amazing place to be.
The fishes I managed to ID here include:
Aequidens cf. plagiozonatus
Ancestrorhynchus pantaneiro
Aphyocharax rathbuni
Apistogramma trifasciata
Astyanax lacustris
Brycon hilarii
Cichla sp. (introduced invasive)
Corydoras polystictus
Crenicichla lepidota
Cyphocharax cf. gillii
Hemigrammus cf. lunatus
Hemigrammus machadoi
Hemigrammus neptunus
Hemigrammus ulreyi
Hoplias cf. malabaricus
Hyphessobrycon eques
Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
Hypostomus cochliodon
Jupiaba acanthogaster
Leporinus sp.
Moenkahausa bonita
Moenkhausia foresti
Moenkhausia oligolepis
Myloplus sp.
Phenacogaster tegatus
Platydoras armatulus
Poptella paraguayensis
Potamorrhpahis eigenmanni
Psalidodon marionae
Satanoperca pappaterra
Serrapinnus caliurus
Serrapinnus kriegi
Steindachnerin cf. brevipinna
Steindachnerina cf. conspersa
Tetragonopterus argenteus
Trachelyopterus cf. galeatus
Aquatic plants found in this creek include:
Cabomba furcata
Eleocharis sp.
Ludwigia inclinata
Music: Ocea - Valante[+] Show More
Crenicichla missioneira
Crenicichla missioneira en el arroyo Guaramboca, Misiones
Crenicichla missioneira en el arroyo Guaramboca, Misiones
Apistogramma Commbrae habitat
Habitat of Apistogramma commbrae in the Salobra river, in the southern ...
Habitat of Apistogramma commbrae in the Salobra river, in the southern Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Other species in the video are:
Aphyocharax dentatus
Apistogramma commbrae
Astyanax lacustris
Corydoras aeneus
Corydoras polystictus
Crenicichla lepdidota
Hemigrammus ...ulreyi
Hyphessobrycon eques
Moenkhausia forestii
Phenacogaster tegatus
Satanoperca sp. ‘Pappaterra’
Serrapinnus kriegi[+] Show More
Laguna de Briozzo Underwater
La laguna de Briozzo es un pequeño ambiente léntico costero ubicado en ...
La laguna de Briozzo es un pequeño ambiente léntico costero ubicado en la ciudad de Aguas Dulces, departamento de Rocha, Uruguay
Saxatilia lepidota con sus crías, arroyo chapa, Misiones
Uruguay Expedition NOV 2016
Expedition NOV 2016 URUGUAY Looking for Killis and Gymnogeaphagus
Expedition NOV 2016
Looking for Killis and Gymnogeaphagus
Paraguay Twig Catfish (Farlowella paraguayensis) in the wild
Paraguay Twig Catfish (Farlowella paraguayensis) in its natural ...
Paraguay Twig Catfish (Farlowella paraguayensis) in its natural habitat in Rio da Prata, Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil.