Noord Amerikaanse Biotopen
Duik in de fascinerende onderwaterwereld van Noord-Amerika met deze zorgvuldig samengestelde playlist van prachtige zoetwaterbiotopen uit de Verenigde Staten en Canada. In deze video’s ontdek je de diverse en unieke ecosystemen die kenmerkend zijn voor deze uitgestrekte regio’s. Van kristalheldere beken en uitgestrekte meren tot langzaam stromende rivieren en moerassige wetlands, elk fragment brengt de natuurlijke leefomgeving van inheemse vissoorten tot leven.
Noord-Amerika herbergt een breed scala aan vissoorten, van kleurrijke zonnevissen en forellen tot indrukwekkende meervallen en baarzen. De opnames in deze playlist laten zien hoe deze vissen in hun natuurlijke habitat leven, hoe ze zich voortbewegen, voeden en schuilen tussen planten en rotsformaties. Dit biedt niet alleen een visueel spektakel, maar ook een waardevolle bron van inspiratie voor aquariumliefhebbers die een biotoopaquarium willen nabootsen.
Of je nu een natuurliefhebber, aquarist of bioloog bent, deze verzameling video’s geeft een authentiek en gedetailleerd beeld van de waterlandschappen van Noord-Amerika.
I Almost Stepped On These Alien Fish...Wild Lampreys
Hiking through Delaware Water Gap yesterday and came across these ...
Atlanta and Sweetwater Creek 2013
October 10-12, 2013. My sister, Shila, and my Dad (who will be 90 in ...
October 10-12, 2013. My sister, Shila, and my Dad (who will be 90 in January!), visited me in Atlanta. I had a weekend there before returning to Honolulu we went to some of our favorite locations: Umezono Restaurant, Sweetwater Creek, Trader Joe's and Canoe Restaurant[+] Show More
Mobile Logperch (Percina kathae) rock-flipping
The Conasauga River "Snorkeling Hole" on the Georgia/Tennessee border ...
The Conasauga River "Snorkeling Hole" on the Georgia/Tennessee border is a great spot to view native stream fishes. This video shows the unusual behavior of the Mobile Logperch as turns over rocks searching for food. Video recorded on June 8, 2009.[+] Show More
Coosa Darters spawning, Etheostoma coosae, Conasauga River
Coosa darters, Etheostoma coosae, spawning in the Conasauga River at ...
Coosa darters, Etheostoma coosae, spawning in the Conasauga River at the Snorkeling Hole, Tennessee, April 4, 2011. Bruce Carlson video
[taxonomy:binomial=Etheostoma coosae]
Gilt Darter, Percina evides,Toccoa River at the Deep Hole
Video of a male gilt darter in the Toccoa River, Georgia at the Deep ...
Video of a male gilt darter in the Toccoa River, Georgia at the Deep Hole Recreation area. This site is about halfway between Suches and Morganton. Video was ...taken on April 11, 2011. Bruce Carlson video
[taxonomy:binomial=Percina evides][+] Show More
Tricolor Shiner, Cyprinella trichroistia, Conasauga River July 2023
A fast-moving, little fish with nice colors and not often videotaped. ...
A fast-moving, little fish with nice colors and not often videotaped. These shots taken in the Conasauga River, Tennessee, July 28, 2023 at the Snorkeling Hole. Canon R5 ...with RF24-105 lens, eye-focus (animal) setting, Ikelite housing, 8" dome port, on tripod with Dive & See 5A monitor mounted on housing and just above the surface, ambient light.[+] Show More
Amber Darter - Percina antesella
Amber Darter in the Conasauga River, Georgia, USA.
Amber Darter in the Conasauga River, Georgia, USA.
Tangerine Darters - Little Tennessee River, NC
Roving packs of tangerine darters, Percina aurantiaca, in the ...
Roving packs of tangerine darters, Percina aurantiaca, in the headwaters of the Little Tennessee River.
A swim in a Michigan lake pt 3
Moving through a large shoal of minnow species, and then following a ...
Moving through a large shoal of minnow species, and then following a pack of logperch darters (Percina caprodes), who are using their noses (rostrums) to flip material over to catch ...small insect larvae to eat.[+] Show More
A swim in a Michigan lake pt 2
Following a pack of logperch darters (Percina caprodes), who are using ...
Following a pack of logperch darters (Percina caprodes), who are using their noses (rostrums) to flip material over to catch small insect larvae to eat. A map turtle (Graptemys ...geographica) stops by for a quick visit.[+] Show More
A swim in a Michigan lake pt 1
Swimming around a Michigan lake dock among a huge shoal of blacknose, ...
Swimming around a Michigan lake dock among a huge shoal of blacknose, blackchin, and sand shiners, with juvenile bluegill sunfish and largemouth bass.
Cold Creek Crustaceans, Castalia, Ohio
Some type of amphipod (a small crustacean) that lives in the "spring ...
Some type of amphipod (a small crustacean) that lives in the "spring run" of Cold Creek... I've only ever found this species near these springs, and wonder if they're ...a more typically cave dwelling species (troglobite) Upstream of this site is a blue hole, a large spring formed as flowing caves in limestone bedrock, that is pumping out water at hundreds of cubic feet per second. These springs converge together to form Cold Creek, which right now in December, was fairly warm (~55 degrees). I might try and snorkel it this winter, but then again, there's an awful lot of waterfowl pooping upstream right now too.[+] Show More