Malawimeer – Grote Riftvallei – Afrika
Deze playlist neemt je mee op een visuele reis door het Malawimeer in de Grote Riftvallei, een van de rijkste en meest biodiverse ecosystemen ter wereld. Het meer, beroemd om zijn duizenden unieke vissoorten, biedt een levendig en kleurrijk onderwaterlandschap dat in deze video’s wordt vastgelegd. De playlist geeft een gedetailleerd beeld van de verschillende vissoorten en hun natuurlijke leefomgevingen, waardoor het een waardevolle bron is voor aquariumliefhebbers die geïnteresseerd zijn in het recreëren van Malawimeerbiotopen in hun eigen aquaria. De video’s geven inzicht in de fascinerende gedragingen van vissen, de interacties tussen soorten en de dynamiek van het ecosysteem.
Met beelden van de rotsachtige bodems, het kristalheldere water en de gevarieerde vispopulaties, krijg je een goed begrip van de ecologie van het meer. Deze playlist is niet alleen visueel aantrekkelijk, maar ook educatief, met informatie over de uitdagingen die het ecosysteem van het Malawimeer bedreigen en hoe het behouden kan blijven. Voor zowel beginners als ervaren aquaristen biedt deze serie waardevolle kennis en inspiratie om een stukje van dit unieke wereldwonder in je eigen aquarium na te bootsen.
Lake Malawi Biotope Aquarium | New Lighting
Lake Malawi Biotope Aquarium | New Lighting If you feel like it, you ...
My African Cichlid Pond is doing Awesome!
The African cichlids in my backyard pond built by Aquascape are ...
The African cichlids in my backyard pond built by Aquascape are looking absolutely awesome! This fish ecosystem is easily the most amazing focal point of the Kamp Kenan sanctuary! Subscribe kamp kenan: Visit Fluker Farms for deals on reptile food & gear:
Shoutout and THANK YOU to Sara & Seth Channing, Liz Bradbury, Justin Hooke, Anthony Mesa, Jeff Mace, Cindy & Leland Campbell, John Phillips, Paul Tucker, Adam Doyle, Patrick Blackwell, Adam Lochstampfor, Brandon Gramling, Michael J. Pessalano, Teresa Middleton, Penney Lovins, Jeff Bonkowske, Melissa Trader, Joey Stephens, Shauna Sturgess, Olly Bradley-White, Bo Nielsen, Teresa Middleton, Don & Cheryl Click, Atypical Girl, Valmiki Maharaj, Tom Murphy, Sharon Lansdowne, Tommy Poulson, Keith Cunningham, Karen Haubbert, Jon Paynter, Jarrad Weinhold & Barbara Jones for supporting our Live Show. You guys are the best!
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Let's create a new generation of educated reptile keepers & animal enthusiasts by spreading the love![+] Show More
Likoma Island’s rocky habitat, Southeast of Lake Malawi, Mozambique waters, 1100 L
#BADC2019 / Rocky shores of Gome, Malawi, 1800 L ...
#BADC2018 / Taiwanee Reef near Chizumulu Island, Lake Malawi, 240 L Dimensions: 120x40x50 cm List ...
Dimensions: 120x40x50 cm
List of fishes: Chindongo Saulosi
List of plants: None
Description of decorations: Gray sand of various sizes, looking more natural, representing dust and sand in the Taiwanee Reef region. Rocks, ...irregular. Serpentinite representing a rocky region that changes into the region of the Chizumulu island.
Description of equipment: external filtration: mechanical HW-603 and biological Aquael Unimax 250
wave pump: Sicce XSTREAM – E with Controller 3000-8500 L/H
light: 2x LED Aquael Sunny 6w
Water parameters: Temperature is 26°C, pH is 8,0, kH is 8, gH is 5.[+] Show More
#BADC2019 / Likoma Island’s rocky habitat, Southeast of Lake Malawi, Mozambique waters, 140 L ...
#BADC2020 / The northeastern part of Lake Malawi in the waters between Lundo Island, Tanzania, 250 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2020 / The sandy areas towards the rock face, Lake Malawi, coast of Mozambique, Africa, 190 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2019 / Rocky litoral at the south eastern part of Likoma Island on Lake Malawi in Africa, 450 L ...
#BADC2020 / Rocky habitat of chilumba port, Lake Malawi, 384 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2018 / Shallow intermediate habitat of Nkhata Bay, Lake Malawi, 63 L Dimensions: 50*50*25CM List of ...
Dimensions: 50*50*25CM
List of fishes: Labidochromis caeruleus , Pseudotropheus interruptus (female).
Labidochromis caeruleus with white color in Nkhata Bay is a famous geographical variant and it is native.
Pseudotropheus interruptus is an famous ...introduced species in Nkhata , they has the orange- yellow females.
List of plants: no plants
Description of decorations: The white granite have been the closest resemblance to the rocks in Nkhata Bay and other ecoregions of Lake Tanganyika, which I can find in China. That is the bigger one used here for the main stone. And I used small ones and some other irregular rocks as the gravel. The substrate comprise fine beige sand and some samll snaill cells which is like the cylindrically coiled Melanoides.
Back ground is a selected blue plastic bag.
Description of equipment: The filter is a bottom sump integrated with the main tank driven by a 5W pump. Light is a 10W LED spotlight of 6500K.
Water parameters: Temperature is about 24- 30℃, PH is 8.[+] Show More
Video von 540 Liter