Gerald Bassleer
Het YouTube-kanaal van Gerald Bassleer richt zich op zijn passie en kennis van aquaria, met name zoetwatervissen en aquatische planten. Je vindt er deskundig advies, tips over het inrichten en onderhouden van aquaria, en zorg voor verschillende vissoorten. De video’s zijn zowel voor beginners als ervaren aquaria-hobbyisten en bieden educatieve inhoud om je ervaring te verbeteren. Duik in de wereld van aquaria met informatieve video’s die je verder helpen.
Fish disease case nr. 293 Dwarf Cichlid, Apistogramma borelli, with severe bacterial infection
In this video we show severe damaged Dwarf cichlid, Apistogramma borelli, that were heavily infected with a bacterial infection. We show the sick fish, our microscopic findings and we give ...advice for actions that you can take.
(See English subtitles)
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I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone made (in 32 languages) at[+] Show More
Fish disease case nr. 293 Dwarf Cichlid, Apistogramma borelli, with severe bacterial infection
In this video we show severe damaged Dwarf cichlid, Apistogramma ...
In this video we show severe damaged Dwarf cichlid, Apistogramma borelli, that were heavily infected with a bacterial infection. We show the sick fish, our microscopic findings and we give ...advice for actions that you can take.
(See English subtitles)
Join or Subscribe to this channel to learn to treat your sick fish!
I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone made (in 32 languages) at[+] Show More
Fish disease case nr. 292 Tankraised Discus with bacterial and gill fluke infection
In this video we show Discus that came from an Asian breeder. We used ...
In this video we show Discus that came from an Asian breeder.
We used our microscope to show you our findings: bacterial infection, gill rot and gill flukes. We give also advice for treatments.
See the English subtitles.
Join or Subscribe to this channel to learn to treat your sick fish!
I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone made (in 32 languages) at[+] Show More
Study nr. 19: Worm infections, gastrointestinal parasites, comparison wild and pond fish in Nigeria
This interesting study shows the abondance of worm infections in the ...
This interesting study shows the abondance of worm infections in the intestine/gut, gastrointestinal parasites, in wild fish and in pond fish in Nigeria. The study found mostly Nematodes and Trematodes, ...such as Camallanus, Capillaria, Clinostomum (Yellow Grub) and others. The wild fish had nearly 60% infection with worms, while the pond fish had 27% worm infections. This study advises to be carefull with wild fish (we know that uncontrolled wild environment is a risk for infections) BUT my advise or conclusion: the pond fish, here Clarias catfish, had TOO MUCH worm infections (27% of the fish had worm infections!!!) and better biosecurity actions should be implemented in those fish farms!
I recommend that you get your training in quarantining fish at my
The link to this article=
Join or Subscribe to this channel to learn to treat your sick fish!
I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone (in 32 languages) made on[+] Show More
Jack Dempsey sick. See link complete video. #cichlid #jackdempsey
Fish disease case nr. 291 Jack Dempsey Cichlid, Rocio, with bacterial infection and Spironucleus
In this video we show diseased Cichlids Rocio octofasciatus or Jack ...
In this video we show diseased Cichlids Rocio octofasciatus or Jack Dempsey. We discuss our findings: bacterial infection, parasites Spironucleus (used to be called Hexamita) and tubercles in the organs, ...most likely Mycobacterium or fish tuberculosis. We give advice for actions and treatment.
(See English subtitles)
Join or Subscribe to this channel to learn to treat your sick fish!
I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone made (in 32 languages) at[+] Show More
Diseased Black Molly. See link complete video. #fishdisease #viviparous
Fish disease case nr. 290 Black molly with parasites Ichthyobodo, bacterial infection and tubercles
In this video we show diseased Black molly, Poecilia, that become ...
In this video we show diseased Black molly, Poecilia, that become skinny and die. We discuss our findings: bacterial and parasitic infection Ichthyobodo (used to be called Costia) and tubercles the organs, most likely Mycobacterium or fish tuberculosis.
(See English Subtitles)
See here a link to Mycobacterium & Zoonosis & Tank granuloma:
Join or Subscribe to this channel to learn to treat your sick fish!
I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone made (in 32 languages) at[+] Show More
Sick Oscar Cichlid. See link complete video. #fishdisease #oscarfish #cichlid
Fish disease case nr. 289 Oscar Cichlid Astronotus with gill flukes and parasites Spironucleus
In this video we show a group of Oscar Cichlids, Astronotus occelatus, ...
In this video we show a group of Oscar Cichlids, Astronotus occelatus, where some of them are waisting away. After examination we have found gill flukes and interal parasites Spironucleus ...(used to be called Hexamita). We discuss our findings and give our advice for adequate treatment.
(See English subtitles)
Join or Subscribe to this channel to learn to treat your sick fish!
I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone made (in 32 languages) at[+] Show More
Aide pour aquariophiles. Voir lien du vidèo. #bassleer
Study nr. 18 Examination of parasitic infections at importers in Mexico and evaluation biosecurity
In this study, between February 2016 and March 2020, a total of 631 ...
In this study, between February 2016 and March 2020, a total of 631 fish were examined for parasites, of which 66 species belong to 19 families of marine ornamental fish ...and 22 species from 9 families of freshwater ornamental fish. Twelve parasite species were recovered in marine fish belonging to three taxa: 7 Digenea, 3 Monogenea and 2 Nematoda. In freshwater fish, four parasite species belonging to four taxa were found: Protozoa, Digenea, Nematoda and Cestoda.
The importance of good quarantine & biosecurity is well discussed since this prevents diseases, re-infections and creates healthy fish for the shops and hobbyists!
Link to the article =
Link to my video on Neobenedenia:
Link to learn more about quarantining Marine fish:
Learn more about Quarantining Freshwater fish
Join or Subscribe to this channel to learn to treat your sick fish!
I will try to give you adequate information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.
Get my books (in different languages) on fish diseases at
Develop your expertise as fish health manager, fish doctor, breeder or enthusiastic aquarist at
Write your comments or questions in the comments: I will try to answer personally!
BUT if you still have questions? Try my AI-Gbassleer, an Artificial Intelligent Fish Doctor, a clone (in 32 languages) made on[+] Show More
De visdokter, G. Bassleer, is te zien als artificieel intelligente kloon met advies visverzorging
Een nieuwe kans met AI of Artificial Intelligence om antwoorden te ...
Een nieuwe kans met AI of Artificial Intelligence om antwoorden te krijgen op uw vragen over de gezondheid van vissen, aquariumbeheer, preventie van visziekten, behandelingen en alles wat u wilt ...weten over de verzorging van uw sieraquariumvissen. Probeer het eens!!!
Hier is de link naar de kloon, beschikbaar in 32 talen:
Word lid of abonneer je op dit kanaal om te leren hoe je zieke vissen kunt behandelen!
Ik zal proberen je voldoende informatie te geven om vissen in betere omstandigheden te houden, te leren hoe je visziekten kunt voorkomen, diagnosticeren en behandelen.
Koop mijn boeken (in verschillende talen) over visziekten op
Ontwikkel je expertise als visgezondheidsmanager, visarts, kweker of enthousiaste aquariaan op
Schrijf je opmerkingen of vragen in de opmerkingen: ik zal proberen ze persoonlijk te beantwoorden!
MAAR als je nog steeds vragen hebt? Probeer mijn AI-Gbassleer, een kunstmatige intelligente visarts, een kloon (in 32 talen) gemaakt op[+] Show More