Biotoop Aquariums – Orinoco Stroomgebied
Deze playlist neemt je mee naar de prachtige onderwaterwereld van het Orinoco Stroomgebied, een van de meest biodiversiteitrijke regio’s ter wereld. De video’s tonen aquaria die met veel zorg zijn ingericht om de natuurlijke leefomgeving van de vissen en planten uit deze regio te weerspiegelen. Van de rustige zijrivieren tot de met planten begroeide oevers, elk aquarium vertelt een verhaal over het unieke ecosysteem van de Orinoco.
In de video’s zie je iconische vissen zoals cichliden, tetra’s en meervallen die in harmonie samenleven, omringd door authentieke elementen zoals wortelhout, bladeren en aquatische planten. Elk aquarium is een kunstwerk op zich en laat zien hoe je een natuurgetrouwe Orinoco-biotoop kunt creëren in je eigen aquarium. Voor zowel beginnende als ervaren aquarianen biedt deze playlist waardevolle tips en inspiratie om zelf aan de slag te gaan.
Daarnaast leer je meer over de unieke ecologie en biodiversiteit van het Orinoco Stroomgebied, waardoor je niet alleen je hobby verdiept, maar ook een beter begrip krijgt van het belang van natuurbehoud. Laat je inspireren door de serene schoonheid van de Orinoco en ontdek hoe je deze magische wereld in huis kunt halen!
Astronotus ocellatus biotope aquarium, akvaryum, fon, dekor
Timur TEKBAS oscar fish biotope tank
Astronotus ocellatus biotope aquarium, akvaryum, fon, dekor
Timur TEKBAS oscar fish biotope tank
Timur TEKBAS oscar fish biotope tank
#BADC2019 / Lower Atabapo River. Shallow Water Forest Base. Venezuela, 96 L
Middle Orinoco Woody Habitat, 630 L
Flooded forest near upper Rio Orinoco, Venezuela, 54 L
#BADC2020 / The Orinoco River with Rummynose Tetra, 170 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2018 / The mouth of the Orinoco River, 620 L Dimensions: 150x60x75 cm List ...
Dimensions: 150x60x75 cm
List of fishes: Apistogramma guttata , Pterophyllum, Corydoras sterbai, Ancistrus sp. "L144", Mesonauta insignis ,Moenkhausia pittieri
#BADC2019 / Orinoco Riverside, Bolivar State, Venezuela, 130 L ...
#BADC2018 / Floodplain drainage stream, middle Rio Orinoco, Colombia, 117 L Dimensions: 65x40x45 cm List ...
Dimensions: 65x40x45 cm
List of fishes: Hemigrammus rhodostomus
List of plants: No plants were purposely grown in this tank as no plants are present underwater in the habitat. However, plants do tend grow along the banks of the creek and send roots into the creeks. In this aquarium, the root system of a Spathiphyllum sp. was used in order to mimic the root system that was present in the video I used for inspiration of this design.
Description of decorations: First, a structure of lava rock and driftwood was used to built and covered with foam to build up the slope and provide depth. Additionally, the lava rock, with some flow pushed into the structure, should provide porous areas for beneficial bacteria to develop. Next, the foam was covered with a mixture of crushed ADA Amazonia, pool sand, and crushed leaves. A layer of various leaves procured from Tannin Aquatics was then placed along the slope. Multiple small twigs from driftwood was interspersed amongst the leaves. A large driftwood structure was assembled to resemble the same feature in my inspiration video. A layer of sand was placed in front of this structure. Finally, a few seed pods (also from Tannin Aquatics) and twigs were placed into the sand.
Description of equipment: Aquavas Sun LED light system, with only one bank of lights in use. Finnex FugeRay Planted+ Cliplight; used to provide slight backlighting, Eheim 350 Surface Skimmer, Eheim Jager 100 Watt Aquarium Heater, Aquaclear 20 HOB filter
Water parameters: Soft water, pH 6.5, 26 C[+] Show More
오늘의 수조 : 904545 Orinoco Biotope Layout Tank의 낮과 밤
오늘 촬영한 '오늘의 수조' 2탄입니다. 남미 비오톱의 낮과 밤을 즐겨주세요. #비오톱 #남미 #물멍 This is the ...
오늘 촬영한 '오늘의 수조' 2탄입니다.
남미 비오톱의 낮과 밤을 즐겨주세요.
#비오톱 #남미 #물멍
This is the second 'Today's Tank' that was filmed today. Please enjoy the day and night of South American ...Biotope.
南米ビオトップの昼と夜をお楽しみください。[+] Show More
Shallow waters in Orinoco with wild guppies, 80 L
#BADC2019 / Shallow pond, Moriche palm oasis, Rio Morichal Largo, Venezuela, 200 L ...
1800 liter - Wild Orinoco Biotope - Little Tree Design Biotopes
1800 liter WILD ORINOCO (Morichal Morganito) biotope aquarium created ...
1800 liter WILD ORINOCO (Morichal Morganito) biotope aquarium created during an online event hosted by Little Tree Design Biotopes in Spain.
Starring Mikolji, Biotoper Víctor Ortiz and Walter Vázquez.
Aquarium size: 260x100x70cm ...- 1800 liter
Filter: Fluval fx6
Lighting system: Skylight Hyperspot
Livestock: Petitella georgiae, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Farlowella vittata, Dicrossus filamentosus, Thoracocharax stellatus and Nannostomus eques
Plants: Cyperus helferi, Bacopa monnieri and Eleocharis sp.
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#Biotope #Morichal #Morganito #Orinoco #Biotopo #Wild[+] Show More