Biotoop Aquariums – Noord Amerika
Noord-Amerika herbergt een breed scala aan fascinerende zoetwaterhabitats, van kabbelende beekjes en uitgestrekte moerassen tot diepe meren en snelstromende rivieren. Deze YouTube-playlist neemt je mee in de wereld van biotoopaquaria die deze prachtige ecosystemen nabootsen. Elk aquarium in deze serie is zorgvuldig samengesteld om een natuurgetrouwe weergave te geven van specifieke Noord-Amerikaanse wateren, met authentieke vissoorten, planten en onderwaterlandschappen.
In de video’s ontdek je hoe verschillende soorten, zoals zonnestekelbaarzen, modderkruipers en snoeken, samenleven in aquaria die hun natuurlijke omgeving zo dicht mogelijk benaderen. Door de juiste inrichting met hout, stenen en waterplanten wordt niet alleen de esthetiek nagebootst, maar krijgen de vissen ook een habitat waarin ze zich natuurlijk kunnen gedragen.
Deze playlist is een inspiratiebron voor aquariumliefhebbers die een stukje Noord-Amerikaanse natuur in huis willen halen. Laat je meenemen door de rust en schoonheid van deze unieke biotopen!
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 - the 3rd place, North America
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014:
In this video I show aquarium imitating fragment of a stream in Mexico, arranged by Victor Manuel Ortiz Cruz (Mexico) for the final ...of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 (held during ZooSphere 2014 in Saint Petersburg, Russia). This tank took the 3rd place in the contest.
Description of the biotope (as written on the information plate):
Valle Nacional River feeds the Papaloapan River (the second largest in Mexico). The shown biotope is a bank stream on Atlantic slope. On its bottom there are grayish and slightly reddish oval rocks and sand, sometimes covered with organic matter and leaves from trees and plants growing on banks. Submerged roots and branches provide food and shelter for the fry of Thorichthys ellioti, which often cohabit with Cichlasoma salvini and Poecilia sphenops. Near the banks there are more wood and leaves on the bottom, while rocks are predominant near the middle with no organic matter in the current. There is almost no aquatic plants here, only small patches of Eleocharis sp., Fontinalis and Fissidens mosses and riverine grass in some parts of the river.
Animals list:
Cichlasoma salvini, Thorichthys ellioti.
Plants list:
Eleocharis parvula, Fissidens fontanus, Fontinalis sp. "Willow".
"Luminous rain" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 - the 3rd place, North America
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014: ...
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014:
In this video I show aquarium imitating fragment of a stream in Mexico, arranged by Victor Manuel Ortiz Cruz (Mexico) for the final ...of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 (held during ZooSphere 2014 in Saint Petersburg, Russia). This tank took the 3rd place in the contest.
Description of the biotope (as written on the information plate):
Valle Nacional River feeds the Papaloapan River (the second largest in Mexico). The shown biotope is a bank stream on Atlantic slope. On its bottom there are grayish and slightly reddish oval rocks and sand, sometimes covered with organic matter and leaves from trees and plants growing on banks. Submerged roots and branches provide food and shelter for the fry of Thorichthys ellioti, which often cohabit with Cichlasoma salvini and Poecilia sphenops. Near the banks there are more wood and leaves on the bottom, while rocks are predominant near the middle with no organic matter in the current. There is almost no aquatic plants here, only small patches of Eleocharis sp., Fontinalis and Fissidens mosses and riverine grass in some parts of the river.
Animals list:
Cichlasoma salvini, Thorichthys ellioti.
Plants list:
Eleocharis parvula, Fissidens fontanus, Fontinalis sp. "Willow".
"Luminous rain" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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#BADC2018 / Upper Bladen River, Belize. Overhanging tree branches shoreline habitat area, 540 L Dimensions: 150 x 60 x 60 cm ...
Dimensions: 150 x 60 x 60 cm
List of fishes: 2 x Cryptoheros spilurus 6 x Thorichthys meeki, Poecilia Mexicana and Xiphophorus helleri
List of plants: A few floating stems of Myriophyllum
Description ...of decorations: Sand with a fine gravel mix. Beech tree leaves and twigs. River boulders and cobbles, locally collected beech/oak branches and twigs.
Description of equipment: EHEIM classic 600 with both biological and mechanical filtration, 1 x Arcadia T8 38w freshwater lamp, EHEIM thermocontrol 250 heater
Water parameters: Temperature 27c- 80.6f, pH 7.5, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 20ppm, GH 18[+] Show More
Central American cichlid aquarium (overview)
A little video showing a currently setup CA cichlid community. Perhaps ...
A little video showing a currently setup CA cichlid community. Perhaps a little overstocked, however, the bocourti are temporary additions.
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 - the 3rd place, North America
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 final was organized during ...
#BADC2018 / Subin River, shallow grassy river bank area, Usumacinta drainage, Guatemala, 375 L Dimensions: 150 x 50 x 50 cm ...
Dimensions: 150 x 50 x 50 cm
List of fishes: x 7 Thorichthys meeki 7 x Poecilia Mexicana
List of plants: Myriophyllum
Description of decorations: Sand mixed with beech tree leaves and twigs, ...small River boulders. Locally collected beech / oak tree branches and twigs. Replicate grasses to simulate yellowing underwater grass.
Description of equipment: EHEIM classic 600 with both biological and mechanical filtration, 1 x Arcadia T8 38w freshwater lamp, EHEIM thermocontrol 250 heater
Water parameters: Temperature 27c- 80.6f, pH 7.5, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 20ppm, GH 18[+] Show More
JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest 2013 - 2nd place, Anastasia Melnikova
CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ...
JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest is organized every year. Finalists are invited to Sankt Petersburg, to ZooSphere zoological fair, for the final stage of ...the contest. This year the final was held during ZooSphere 2013 on 20-23 November. You can read more about this contest and 2013 results here:
In this video I show biotope aquarium which took second place, designed by Anastasia Melnikova from Russia. It was aquarium number 1 - so the large green "1" on the description plate is not the place the aquarium took, but just the number in the contest. Aquarium imitates fragment of Ichetucknee springs in Florida, USA.
BIOTOPE DESCRIPTION: A small 10 km long Ichetucknee river (Florida) begins from several streams with crystal clear cool water and flows through the picturesque forests of Ichetucknee Springs State Part before flowing into Santa Fe River. Its banks are steep and rocky in some places, and flat in others, covered with bushes and trees. The water is so clear that light, almost white sand, underwater vegetation like in the Dutch garden, limestone rocks, sunken driftwood and branches are visible. This aquarium shows Ichetucknee coastal area near the spring, where medium and small fishes and invertebrates live in the dense thicket of plants.
PLANTS LIST: Hydrocotyle verticillata, Lobelia cardinalis, Ludwigia repens, Sgittaria kurzeriana, Myriphyllum pinnatum, Chara sp., Eleocharis baldwinii, Fissidens sp., Cyperus sp.
ANIMALS LIST: Jordanella floridae, Poecillia latipinna, ghost srimp Palaemonetes sp., Pomacea paludosa.[+] Show More
Central American biotope Aquarium
Cryptoheros panamensis (Display Aquarium)
Here is a quick preview of my work in progress Cryptoheros panamensis ...
Here is a quick preview of my work in progress Cryptoheros panamensis display aquarium. Dither fish included are mainly poecilia gillii.
#BADC2019 / Habitat Ambystoma dumerilii, Pátzcuaro Lake riverside, Urandén, México, 324 L ...
Lake Xochimilco, Borough of Xochimilco in southern México City, 162 L
Central American inspired nature aquarium
A little preview of a new layout using dried out Trachycarpus ...
#BADC2019 / Río Peyán, Guatemala, Jungle Area, Submerged Roots Habitat, 540 L ...