Biotoop Aquariums – Indisch Subcontinent
Deze playlist neemt je mee naar de prachtige wereld van aquariums die zijn ingericht naar de natuurlijke biotopen van het Indisch subcontinent. Het Indisch subcontinent beslaat een divers gebied in Zuid-Azië, waaronder India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, en delen van Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar en China. Deze regio staat bekend om zijn rijke biodiversiteit en unieke zoetwaterhabitats.
De video’s in deze playlist tonen gedetailleerde recreaties van de leefomgevingen van vissen en planten uit dit gebied. Denk aan aquariums met kristalhelder water, weelderige vegetatie en zorgvuldig geselecteerde vissen die typerend zijn voor rivieren zoals de Ganges, Brahmaputra en andere iconische waterwegen. Elk aquarium is een eerbetoon aan de schoonheid en diversiteit van deze regio.
Of je nu een ervaren aquariaan bent die inspiratie zoekt voor een biotoop-aquarium of gewoon geniet van de natuurlijke schoonheid van het Indisch subcontinent, deze playlist biedt voor elk wat wils. Naast visueel spektakel biedt het ook inzicht in hoe deze unieke ecosystemen functioneren en waarom het belangrijk is ze te beschermen. Laat je inspireren door deze aquariums en ontdek de magie van het Indisch subcontinent, gevangen in glas. Veel kijkplezier!
#BADC2020 / Small lagoon at Vembanad Lake in the Kumarakom region of Kottayam, Kerala, India, 54 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020
Accepting entries: August 1st – 31st
#BADC2020 / Small lagoon at Vembanad Lake in the Kumarakom region of Kottayam, Kerala, India, 54 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2018 / The confluence of the rivers Kumaradhara and Netravati, Karnataka, India, 750 L Dimensions: 150х100х50 cm List ...
#Indianbiotope #biotope Pamba river biotope || Indian biotope
Hi guys ,welcome back to a another video. this video is upon the ...
Hi guys ,welcome back to a another video. this video is upon the making of a biotope inspired from the pamba river basin from southern Kerala .This biotope was made taking inspiration from the confluence of pamba river and vembanad Lake
At the beginning it got some pea puffers (carinotetradon travancoricus) but later due to some carelessness the tank gone under a rescaping and the livestock was changed . Currently the biotope is bioactive by Indian grass carplet (Horadandia Brittani) which is found in the same type of locality .
I hope you might learn something new in this video and how to create a biotope as close to nature and give the fishes a natural environment to thrive in . Making a biotope is only bringing a piece of a pond ,Lake ,river and ocean in a glass box or at your home .Making a biotope as close to nature not only gives the fish a natural place to live in but a sense of satisfaction and pleasure who had made that biotope So, till then see you in the next video ......bye.....
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JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest 2013 - 1st place, Petra Bašić
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JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest is organized every year. Finalists are invited to Sankt Petersburg, to ZooSphere zoological fair, for the final stage of ...the contest. This year the final was held during ZooSphere 2013 on 20-23 November. You can read more about this contest and 2013 results here:
In this video I show winning biotope aquarium, designed by Petra Bašić from Croatia. It was aquarium number 4 - so the large green "4" on the description plate is not the place the aquarium took, but just the number. Aquarium imitates fragment of Chalakudy river in Western Ghats mountain range in India. There were several features which I liked, or which were interesting for me in this aquarium. The first, and maybe the most important (at least for me) feature were fish in wonderful, prime condition. They were healthy, well fed, and they behaved in a very natural way. The second feature was the placement of rocks - very natural-looking, imitating rocky fragment of a stream. It looked just like a pile of stones, but it had some aesthetic feel behind it, as well. Skillfully done! :) The third feature was the substrate - please pay attention to all these little details. The basis is sand, but there is also gravel, and some small pebbles, scattered around. It looks both chaotic and very attractive, exactly as it looks in the wild. And finally, the fourth feature which was interesting for me was this strange "moss", scattered all over the rocks and substrate. It imitates clumps of algae and moss, which grow often on the stones on the bottom of streams. I'm not sure what is the species of this "moss" - it might be Cladophora, splitted into flat fragments, but I'm not sure about it :)
And now the text from the information plate:
Western Ghats - Chalakudy river
BIOTOPE DESCRIPTION: One of numerous tributaries of Chalakudy River, in forests of Athirappilly. Chalakudy River is the fourth longest river in Kerala, India. It is well known for its fish diversity and thick riparian forests. Rivers in Western Ghats are rain-fed and seasonal, so many habitats undergo changes in depth, temperature, water chemistry, turbidity and flow rate, depending on the time of year. Some fish, like melon barb (Haludaria fasciata), prefer shallow and quiet zones with submerged cover in the form of aquatic vegetation and leaf litter. Where riparian vegetation is absent, river bed is covered with rocks and yellowish sand.
ANIMALS LIST: Barbus fasciatus, Danio malabaricus, Mastacembelus pancalus.
PLANTS LIST: Hygrophila difformis, Bacopa monnieri, Eleocharis accicularis, Hygrophila involuta, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Myriophyllum tuberculatum, Hygrophila polysperma[+] Show More
#BADC2018 / Kelani river Rocky shore shallow stream, wet zone, Sri Lanka, 112 L Dimensions: 80x35x40 cm List ...
Dimensions: 80x35x40 cm
List of fishes: Pethia nigrofasciata, Puntius titteya
List of plants: Cryptocoryne beckettii
Description of decorations: stones and pieces of rocks, branches, pieces of wood, dry leaves, fine gravel and sand ...with the addition of clay
Description of equipment: Internal filter aqua szut 750 with biological filtration, lights: leddy tube 6500k aquael Heating
Water parameters: Temperature is 24'°C ph 6.2 generall hardnes is 264 ppm[+] Show More
#BADC2022 / Small stream margin, near Raidāk River, Brahmaputra River Drainage, India, 40 L
Photos and description: ...
#BADC2019 / Small stream in Tamil Nadu state, Western Ghats, India, 310 L ...
#BADC2019 / Marginal zone of Chilika Lake in the area of Puri, Odisha, India, 140 L ...
Dibru River - Dibrugarh, Assam, 250 L
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2016 ...
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2016
The aquarium was set up based on a biotope of Dibru River of Dibrugarh in Assam. Dibru river is a main tributary of the Brahamputra the ...confluence of it being at about 18km east of Dibrugarh City. Like any other parts of Assam, the area is endowed with extensive water resources. The district possesses a large number of wetlands of varying sizes. The area has a ‘tropical monsoon rainforest’ climate characterised by heavy rainfall, high humidity and hot summer temperatures. The biotope shown is the place almost authenticly copied from the one where the beautiful Channa bleheri lives, which Heiko Bleher have discovered many years ago.. The water is mostly clear, but after a heavy rain all is turbid. The habitat consists of many leaves , branches ,roots,logs and aquatic vegetation mostly Cryptocoryne species, Hydrophila species and floating plants mainly Pistia stratiotes. The gravel is with black and white stones in some areas. At this region we can find also many fish species such as botia , mystus, noemacheilus,barbs , Bagarius and other catfishes.
Fishes: Channa Bleheri , Penthia Ticto, Botia Histrionica
Plants: Cryptocoryne spiralis, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne undulata, Hydrophila angustifolia, Pistia stratiotes[+] Show More
#BADC2018 / Halda River сannal, Bangladesh, 112 L Dimensions: 80x35x40 cm List ...
Dimensions: 80x35x40 cm
List of fishes: Trichogaster chuna
Description of decorations: Predominately black sand. There are some smaller grayish rocks covered w algae. Twigs and branches dominate this scenery, palm leaves different forest leaves stages of decomposition to complete.
Description of equipment: Filter eheim suspends Liberty 75 . ZETLIGHT LANCIA ZP 4000
Water parameters: Water temperature should be maintained at around 22 to 28 °C. with a pH of around 7[+] Show More
#BADC2019 / Along the banks of the Pamba river, Kerala, India, 75 L
Patakata Village in mangrove forest, Sundarban area, Ganges delta, Bangladesh, 575 L