Biotoop Aquariums – Azië
Deze playlist neemt je mee in de wondere wereld van Aziatische biotopen, zorgvuldig nagebootst in prachtige aquaria. De video’s tonen indrukwekkende onderwaterlandschappen geïnspireerd op diverse ecosystemen uit Azië, zoals rivieren, meren en moerassen. Je ziet hoe natuurlijke elementen zoals stenen, hout en planten worden gecombineerd om een authentieke leefomgeving te creëren voor inheemse vissoorten en andere waterdieren.
Voor aquariumliefhebbers is deze playlist een bron van inspiratie en kennis. Of je nu een beginnende aquariaan bent of een ervaren biotoopliefhebber, deze video’s bieden talloze ideeën en praktische tips om een Aziatische biotoop in je eigen aquarium te realiseren. Van de levendige kleuren van tropische vissen tot de rustige schoonheid van waterplanten, elke video benadrukt de harmonie en biodiversiteit van Aziatische wateren.
Daarnaast biedt de playlist waardevolle inzichten in het gedrag en de verzorging van specifieke vissoorten die in Aziatische biotopen thuishoren. Je leert niet alleen hoe je hun leefomgeving kunt nabootsen, maar ook hoe je kunt bijdragen aan het behoud van deze unieke ecosystemen.
Laat je inspireren door de serene schoonheid en het rijke onderwaterleven van Azië. Deze playlist is een must-see voor iedereen die de magie van natuurlijke biotopen in huis wil halen en wil genieten van een stukje Azië in hun eigen aquarium!
#BADC2018 / Blackwater stream Batu Pahat, Johor Peatland of South west Peninsular, Malaysia, 34 L
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best biotope aquariums in the world!
Dimensions: 45 x 25 x 30 cm
List of fishes: Chocolate Gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides), Licorice Gourami ...(Parosphromenus sp.) & Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras Maculatus)
List of plants: stenochlaena palustris, Eleocharis sp. , dead leaves (Macaranga sp.)
Description of decorations: Medium size of dead old tree root from the habitat and recently dead Melastola root was used as the main decorations. For detailing design, I used smaller size Melastola root to create deep effect to mimic stream. The floor was sand with half decomposed bog woods, new dead branches and Almond leaves. Stained Dark color water produce by decaying dead leaf of stenochlaena palustris & almond leaf . Furthermore, I used Fish taken from the real habitats to ensure fish can easily co-op each others & mimic the real ecosystem.
Description of equipment: EHEIM classic 150, DIY lighting (3 bulb 40W, 5432 lm).
Water parameters: Temperature is 28°C,TDS is 60ppm pH is 6, kH 2 and GH 3.[+] Show More
#BADC2018 / Blackwater stream Batu Pahat, Johor Peatland of South west Peninsular, Malaysia, 34 L
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Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best biotope aquariums in the world!
Dimensions: 45 x 25 x 30 cm
List of fishes: Chocolate Gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides), Licorice Gourami ...(Parosphromenus sp.) & Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras Maculatus)
List of plants: stenochlaena palustris, Eleocharis sp. , dead leaves (Macaranga sp.)
Description of decorations: Medium size of dead old tree root from the habitat and recently dead Melastola root was used as the main decorations. For detailing design, I used smaller size Melastola root to create deep effect to mimic stream. The floor was sand with half decomposed bog woods, new dead branches and Almond leaves. Stained Dark color water produce by decaying dead leaf of stenochlaena palustris & almond leaf . Furthermore, I used Fish taken from the real habitats to ensure fish can easily co-op each others & mimic the real ecosystem.
Description of equipment: EHEIM classic 150, DIY lighting (3 bulb 40W, 5432 lm).
Water parameters: Temperature is 28°C,TDS is 60ppm pH is 6, kH 2 and GH 3.[+] Show More
#BADC2018 / Shallow part of Lata Kekabu hill stream in Lenggong, Malaysia, 324 L
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Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best biotope aquariums in the world!
Dimensions: 120 x 60 x 60 cm
List of fishes: 3 x Devario regina, 6 ...x Danio albolineatus, 3 x Homalopteroides smithi, 1 x Brotia episcopalis
List of plants: Taxiphyllum barbieri, Fissiden sp, Piptospatha perakensis, Bolbiti heteroclita Simplicifolia, Microsorum pteropus
Description of decorations: The substrate are the combination of rough and fine river sand as base layer. A mixture of various sizes of granite river stones stacked up to imitate a slope on the natural river bank. Mangrove driftwood, Melastoma plant roots and a few of dead leaves were used to decorate and create the scenery of natural wild and submerged forest roots. Subsequently, the decoration completed by planting a few types of aquatic plants including mosses which is as same as the actual biotope condition.
Description of equipment: – 2 x external filter EJET 3388 (flow pump = 1810LH) + EJET 3368 (flow pump = 1200LH) both loaded with biological and mechanical filter media. The purpose of using 2 filters is to resemble the stream flow and to ensure sufficient dissolved oxygen in the water.
– 1x 4ft T5 led lamp 16watt, 6500k with cool daylight effect. 7 hours photo period programmed using digital timer.
– Air conditioner used to maintain the room temperature and keep the aquarium water temperature at 25 – 26⁰c especially on warm days
Water parameters: – Temperature is 25 – 26⁰c, gH is 1, kH is 1, ph 6.7 – 7.3. Ammonia 0.1, Nitrate 0.5
– Reverse osmosis (RO) filtration system used for the aquarium water is to ensure chlorine and threaten heavy metal eliminated from the tab water. 20 – 30% water change performed weekly and gh/kh mineral (magnesium and calcium) added to keep the TDS reading at 30ppm.[+] Show More
#BADC2018 / Tra Su forest An Giang, Vietnam, 356 L
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best ...
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best biotope aquariums in the world!
Dimensions: 120x60x50 cm
List of fishes: Channa gachua, Trichogaster trichopterus, Mystus mysticetus
List of plants: Lamna ...minor, Nymphaea lotus, Pistia stratiotes , Numphoides indicum
Description of decorations: Dimocarpus longan wood, Dimocarpus longan roots,Leaves of Dimocarpus longan and ada aqua soil amazonia
Description of equipment: External canister filter, Led lighting RGB 108w x2
Water parameters: Temperature is :27-29°, pH 6.2 -6.6[+] Show More
#BADC2019 / Small pond system, downstream of Mekong river delta, Hau Giang, Vietnam, 288 L ...
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 - the 4th place, Eurasia
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014: ...
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014:
Euriasia biotope aquarium, arranged by Vyacheslav Veriga (Russia) for the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 (held during ZooSphere 2014 in Saint ...Petersburg, Russia). This tank took the 4th place in the contest.
Description of the biotope (as written on the information plate):
Tamnang river starts on the western slopes of the mountain range, flows through ancient rainforests and empties into the Andaman Sea. Typical decorations here are partly smooth stones, lots of live roots and driftwood. There are no aquatic plants here, except of the fern Microsorum pteropus, which often grows above the water because of the high humidity. Along with shallow rifts there are deep parts in the river where big barbel Neolissochilus lives. The river is home to smaller fishes: various carps, e.g. Puntius lateristriga, Puntius aurotaeniatus, and representatives of Devario genus. They are good swimmers and do not avoid areas with rapid current. Such place is shown in the aquarium.
Animals list:
Devario cf. aequipinnatus, Puntius lateristriga
Plants list:
Microsorum pteropus, Cyperus helferi, Vesicularia sp.
"Windswept" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest 2013 - 1st place, Petra Bašić
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JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest is organized every year. Finalists are invited to Sankt Petersburg, to ZooSphere zoological fair, for the final stage of ...the contest. This year the final was held during ZooSphere 2013 on 20-23 November. You can read more about this contest and 2013 results here:
In this video I show winning biotope aquarium, designed by Petra Bašić from Croatia. It was aquarium number 4 - so the large green "4" on the description plate is not the place the aquarium took, but just the number. Aquarium imitates fragment of Chalakudy river in Western Ghats mountain range in India. There were several features which I liked, or which were interesting for me in this aquarium. The first, and maybe the most important (at least for me) feature were fish in wonderful, prime condition. They were healthy, well fed, and they behaved in a very natural way. The second feature was the placement of rocks - very natural-looking, imitating rocky fragment of a stream. It looked just like a pile of stones, but it had some aesthetic feel behind it, as well. Skillfully done! :) The third feature was the substrate - please pay attention to all these little details. The basis is sand, but there is also gravel, and some small pebbles, scattered around. It looks both chaotic and very attractive, exactly as it looks in the wild. And finally, the fourth feature which was interesting for me was this strange "moss", scattered all over the rocks and substrate. It imitates clumps of algae and moss, which grow often on the stones on the bottom of streams. I'm not sure what is the species of this "moss" - it might be Cladophora, splitted into flat fragments, but I'm not sure about it :)
And now the text from the information plate:
Western Ghats - Chalakudy river
BIOTOPE DESCRIPTION: One of numerous tributaries of Chalakudy River, in forests of Athirappilly. Chalakudy River is the fourth longest river in Kerala, India. It is well known for its fish diversity and thick riparian forests. Rivers in Western Ghats are rain-fed and seasonal, so many habitats undergo changes in depth, temperature, water chemistry, turbidity and flow rate, depending on the time of year. Some fish, like melon barb (Haludaria fasciata), prefer shallow and quiet zones with submerged cover in the form of aquatic vegetation and leaf litter. Where riparian vegetation is absent, river bed is covered with rocks and yellowish sand.
ANIMALS LIST: Barbus fasciatus, Danio malabaricus, Mastacembelus pancalus.
PLANTS LIST: Hygrophila difformis, Bacopa monnieri, Eleocharis accicularis, Hygrophila involuta, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Myriophyllum tuberculatum, Hygrophila polysperma[+] Show More
#BADC2019 / Rahtawu kudus River in the dry season of Central Java, Indonesia, 160 L
#BADC2019 / Taiwan's Hsiao Li Creek — a small tributary in the mountain forest, 135 L
#BADC2019 / Lake ecosystem, Mekong River delta, Can Tho, Vietnam, 290 L ...
#BADC2018 / Coastal waters of the Kapas River in Harapan Rainforest in Jambi – Sumatra, 125 L Dimensions: 50x50x50 cm List ...
Dimensions: 50x50x50 cm
List of fishes: Puntigrus tetrazona (Bleeker, 1855)
List of plants: N/A
Description of decorations: For the hardscape of the aquarium use sands of various sizes, small rocks to resemble the ...soil of the area represented, branches, leaves, and branches of palm fruit, one of the plants surrounding the waters of the forest area.
Description of equipment: The tank background its a black vinyl. The lighting of the aquarium is based on 6500K and 2700K LED lamps.It is filtered by an Atman 3335 canister with biological and mechanical material.
The water heating is given by an Eheim Thermocontrol of 100w.
Water parameters: The water temperature ranges between 27° and 28°C. The pH is 6.0 – 6.5 and hardness is 9° dH.[+] Show More
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 - the 5th place, Eurasia
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 final was organized during ...
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 final was organized during ZooSphere 2015 pet fair in Sankt Petersburg in Russia. Here is the website of the contest:
The 5th place was taken in ...Eurasia category by David Milosevic from Serbia. The title of the aquarium was "Shaded shallows of Khao Sok National Park". It was supposed to imitate quite unusual part of a water body in this National Park - where long stems of Nymphaea sp. are surrounded by aquatic moss, and when the moss acumulates lots of oxygen bubbles (because of photosynthesis), it goes up along the stem, and is stopped by long flat leaves of Nymphaea. All this looks like "moss balls" floating in the middle of the water column :) However, the Nymphaea sp. plants which were available were too small, so David had to improvise a little bit ;)
But anyway, I think he did a great job, and his tank was my absolute #1 of this edition of the contest :)
Egeria densa
Myriophyllum tuberculatum
Vesicularia dubyana / Taxiphyllum barbieri
Limnophila sessiflora
Nymphaea sp.
Enjoy the video! :)
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#BADC2018 / Main stream of the Kapuas river in western Kalimantan, 375 L Dimensions: 150x50x50 cm List ...
Dimensions: 150x50x50 cm
List of fishes: Chromobotia macracanthus
Desmopuntius pentazona
Puntigrus tetrazona
List of plants: Cryptocoryne bullosa
Description of decorations: Well watered driftwood covers the substrate, which is a mixture of sand, clay and fine ...gravel. Mix of peat, leaves, bark and small branches lays in the parts of tank with small current.
Description of equipment: AQUAEL ASAP 750E external filter, AQUAEL FZN-2.
Lighting: light color 10000k, warm color 3000k
Water parameters: Temperature 25 degrees celsius. KH 4, GH 4, pH 6, conductivity 50 µS/cm[+] Show More