Biotoop Aquariums – Australië en Oceanië
Deze playlist neemt je mee naar de unieke onderwaterwereld van Australië en Oceanië, zorgvuldig nagebootst in indrukwekkende aquaria. Met aandacht voor detail tonen de video’s hoe natuurlijke biotopen uit deze regio’s in een aquariumsetting tot leven worden gebracht. Je ziet verbluffende recreaties van ecosystemen zoals helderblauwe wateren, rivieren en moerassen, inclusief karakteristieke elementen zoals rotsen, hout en planten.
De video’s bieden niet alleen visueel genot, maar ook waardevolle inzichten voor aquariumliefhebbers die deze bijzondere regio’s willen nabootsen. De inheemse vissen en planten die in de video’s worden getoond, benadrukken de rijke biodiversiteit en harmonie van Australische en Oceanische biotopen. Van kleurrijke regenboogvissen tot fascinerende plantencombinaties, elke video is een bron van inspiratie en kennis.
Of je nu een beginner bent in de aquaristiek of een doorgewinterde hobbyist, deze playlist helpt je begrijpen hoe je een stukje Australië en Oceanië in je eigen aquarium kunt recreëren. De nadruk ligt niet alleen op de schoonheid van de aquariuminrichting, maar ook op het leren over de natuurlijke gedragingen van vissen en hoe je hun leefomgevingen het beste kunt ondersteunen.
Laat je inspireren door deze fascinerende video’s en ontdek hoe je de wonderlijke wereld van Australië en Oceanië kunt integreren in jouw aquarium!
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 - the 1st place, Australia
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014:
This aquarium took the 1st place in the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014, organized during ZooSphere 2014 fair in St. Petersburg Russia. The author is Petra Bašić from Croatia. Congratulations! :)
Description of the biotope (as written on the information plate):
Cape York peninsula is the largest unspoiled wild area in northern Austraila, and one of the last remaining ones on Earth. It has many swamplands with an extraordinary biodiveristy of flora and fauna. The Jardine Complex with Jardine River is the largest wetland on the peninsula. Pseudomugil gertrudae and Iriatherina werneri are found in small creeks, swampy marshes and rainforest streams with a lot of plants, woody debris, leaf litter and sandy or muddy bottom. Melanotaenia trifasciata occurs almost in every slow-moving water and clear river here. Dense vegetation protects these rainbowfishes from predators like Scleropages jardinii. This aquarium presents such a place, small refuge for rainbowfish in wetlands around river Jardine.
Animals list:
Iriatherina werneri, Melanotaenia trifasciata, Pseudomugil gertrudae
Plants list:
Hygrophila sp., Limnophila aromatica, Nymphaea sp., Riccardia chamedryfolia, Salvinia natans, Vallisneria nana.
"Starry" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 - the 1st place, Australia
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014: ...
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014:
This aquarium took the 1st place in the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014, organized during ZooSphere 2014 fair in St. Petersburg Russia. The author is Petra Bašić from Croatia. Congratulations! :)
Description of the biotope (as written on the information plate):
Cape York peninsula is the largest unspoiled wild area in northern Austraila, and one of the last remaining ones on Earth. It has many swamplands with an extraordinary biodiveristy of flora and fauna. The Jardine Complex with Jardine River is the largest wetland on the peninsula. Pseudomugil gertrudae and Iriatherina werneri are found in small creeks, swampy marshes and rainforest streams with a lot of plants, woody debris, leaf litter and sandy or muddy bottom. Melanotaenia trifasciata occurs almost in every slow-moving water and clear river here. Dense vegetation protects these rainbowfishes from predators like Scleropages jardinii. This aquarium presents such a place, small refuge for rainbowfish in wetlands around river Jardine.
Animals list:
Iriatherina werneri, Melanotaenia trifasciata, Pseudomugil gertrudae
Plants list:
Hygrophila sp., Limnophila aromatica, Nymphaea sp., Riccardia chamedryfolia, Salvinia natans, Vallisneria nana.
"Starry" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest 2013 - 5th place, Nicolay Muzhichuk
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JBL Biotope Aquarium Contest is organized every year. Finalists are invited to Sankt Petersburg, to ZooSphere zoological fair, for the final stage of ...the contest. This year the final was held during ZooSphere 2013 on 20-23 November. You can read more about this contest and 2013 results here:
In this video I show biotope aquarium which took fifth place, designed by Nicolay Muzhichuk from Ukraine. It was aquarium number 5 - the large green "5" on the information plate is not the place the aquarium took, but just the number in the contest. Aquarium imitates fragment of stream at the beginning of Sepik River in New Guinea.
BIOTOPE DESCRIPTION: Sepik River is the longest river in the island of New Guinea, and in the same time it is the state of Papua New Guinea. Most of the river flows through the province of Sandown and East Sepik, only a small part is located in the Indonesian province of Papua. With the high headwaters near the village of Telefomin many streams flow into the river, like a blood artery that fills the main vein of Papua with strength and power. The biotope shows one of the creeks joining the river, a piece of the underwater and landscape and its banks for easy understanding of the beauty of this paradise on our planet.
PLANTS LIST: Vallisneria nana, Ceratophyllum demersum, Staurogyne repens, Microsorum pteropus "Trident", Fontinalis hypnoides, Vesicularia sp. "Tringelmoos", Limnophila indica, Aglaonema sp., Bolbitis heteroclita, Cordyline sp., Cyperus diffusus, Spatiphyllum sp.
ANIMALS LIST: Glossolepis incisus, Iriatherina werneri, Melanotenia praecox, Pseudomugil furcatus, Tateurndina ocellicauda.[+] Show More
#BADC2019 / Colleges Crossing Tidal Freshwater Reaches Brisbane River, Queensland, Australia, 576 L ...
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 - the 2nd place, Oceania
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 final was organized during ...
#BADC2018 / Carland Creek on the border of Cooloola National Park in Queensland, Australia, 235 L Dimensions: 90х58х58 cm List ...
Dimensions: 90х58х58 cm
List of fishes: Pseudomugil mellis, Rhadinocentrus ornatus
List of plants: Lepironia articulata, baumea rubiginosa, cyperus polystachyos, Azolla pinnata, Schoenoplectus mucronatus, ludwigia peploides.
Description of decorations: Plants where potted in a ...clay base surrounded by washed beach sand same as what would be found in the heathland, the wood on the bottom is Allocasuarina littoralis root, and the branches are Melaleuca sieberi, leaf litter and pods of allocaurina littoralis, Melaleuca sieberi, Banksia spinulosa, Melaleuca pachyphylla.
Description of equipment: Aqua One 20 watt Tropical and Aqua One 25 watt Sunlight fluorescent lights, Eheim Classic
250 - 2213 Canister Filte, Aqua One Heater 100W.
Water parameters: Water temperature is 24deg Celsius, PH 6.0, GH 10[+] Show More
#BADC2020 / Sunrise at Stone Crossing, dry season, Wenlock River, Australia, 220 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2020 / Eubenangee Swamp National Park North Queensland Australia, 500 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2020 / Coastal area of Ayamaru Lake, West Papua, New Guinea, 480 L
This is the 10th anniversary biotope aquarium design contest 2020 ...
#BADC2022 / Mouth of Kwagira River, Papua New Guinea, 280 L
Photos and description: ...
#BADC2022 / Coward Springs, Lake Eyre Basin, South Australia, 126 L
Photos and description: ...
Shallow waters of Herbert River in Queensland. Australia, 40 L
Backwater on the King Edward River, Kimberley, Northwest Australia, 300 L