Biotoop Aquariums – Amazone Stroomgebied
Deze playlist neemt je mee naar de fascinerende onderwaterwereld van het Amazone Stroomgebied, een van de meest diverse ecosystemen op aarde. De video’s tonen prachtig ingerichte aquaria die nauwkeurig de biotopen van de Amazone nabootsen. Van kronkelende rivieren tot rustige zijarmen, elk aquarium weerspiegelt de natuurlijke leefomgeving van de unieke vissoorten en planten uit deze regio.
Met aandacht voor detail laten de video’s zien hoe je een authentieke Amazone-biotoop kunt creëren, compleet met de juiste waterplanten, hout en natuurlijke materialen. Dit maakt de playlist perfect voor aquariumliefhebbers die inspiratie zoeken om hun eigen aquaria te transformeren in een stukje Amazone. Je leert over het gedrag en de behoeften van iconische vissen zoals discusvissen, tetra’s en meervallen, en ontdekt hoe je hun leefomgeving kunt optimaliseren.
Daarnaast biedt de playlist waardevolle inzichten in de ecologie van het Amazonegebied, met aandacht voor de rol van deze ecosystemen in het wereldwijde milieu. Voor zowel beginners als ervaren aquarianen biedt deze playlist een combinatie van educatie en visuele pracht, waarmee je niet alleen je hobby naar een hoger niveau tilt, maar ook meer leert over de natuur.
Laat je inspireren door de magie van het Amazone Stroomgebied en ontdek hoe je een stukje van dit unieke ecosysteem in je eigen aquarium kunt nabootsen!
#BADC2019 / Lago Grande do Curuai, state of Para, Brazil, 840 L
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Wild ROYAL Discus Nature Aquarium of 200x60x70cm at Twinstar EU
Wild Royal Discus H&C Nature Aquarium of 200x60x70cm at Twinstar EU ...
Wild Royal Discus H&C Nature Aquarium of 200x60x70cm at Twinstar EU headquarters in Portugal.
Layout and aquarium were designed specifically for the Discus, less hardscape and more empty area to give for the Discus to swim. Plants are not yet at their best shape but as soon they grow, they will fill some areas and leave shadow for them.
From the day it was scaped till the date when Discus were added, we have 3 weeks of cycle to avoid any issues. Discus have been in quarantine for one month at A Casa dos Discus in Lisbon to prevent diseases and give us time to build and have the layout proper cycled to add them.
AQUARIUM has 200x60x70cm with 5cm all round the top for protection, made by ILA in 15mm optiwhite glass.
Lighting system: 4x Twinstar 120b
Filtration is done by 2x OASE BIOMASTER 850 Thermo filter, plus one Eheim 350 skimmer to clean the surface.
Substrate no branded (later will be sold by Strideways), root tabs and ADA Colorado sand in the front.
Hardscape: Entwood and black lava stone glued with OASE Foamfix
CO2: Twinstar L diffuser and Strideways pressure reducer 2bps
Temperature: 26° C
Plants from Aquaflora:
Anubias barteri var. nana, Anubias barteri var. nana 'Mini', Anubias barteri var. nana 'Paxing', Helanthium bolivianum 'Magdalenensis', Helanthium tenellum, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Cryptocoryne parva, Cryptocoryne pygmaea, Cryptocoryne albida (costata), Cryptocoryne x willisii, Cryptocoryne usteriana, Echinodorus 'Rosé', Echinodorus 'Tricolor', Echinodorus uruguayensis, Juncus repens, Potamogeton gayi and Schismatoglottis prietoi.
Livestock: Wild Royal Discus H&C, Corydoras panda, Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi German Blue (my own breeding), Paracheirodon axelrodi and Hyphessobrycon amandae.
Music by
#faao #faaoAquascaping #Aquaflora #ilaeuropa #twinstarEU #oase #aquanaturae #strideways #aquascaping #aquascape #aquarium #aquaticplant #natureaquarium #plantedtank #WildDiscus #hudsoncrizanto[+] Show More
INCREDIBLE 1000L Amazon Aquarium build | XXL Step by Step Tutorial | Planted Tank
(Werbevideo) I was invited by DENNERLE to produce the Making-Of video ...
(Werbevideo) I was invited by DENNERLE to produce the Making-Of video from the new XXL AMAZON tank, which is scaped by Volker Jochum. This planted 1000L Amazon aquarium is a ...masterpiece made out of Dragonskin wood and Seiryu Stones. The Amazon tank is planted with slow growing bucephalandra and cryptocoryne, so it is a easy to maintain aquascape. But you can see it in the video! Cheers Ben
▬ AQUARIUM ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Custom Build Tank 980L (200x70x80cm)
3 x Trocal LED 90W (8.400 Lumen)
2 x Pressurized CO2 System 2KG
2 x CO2 Diffusor Ultra M
▬ HARDSCAPE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Deponit-Mix Black
Crystal-Quartz (Black Gravel)
Rio Xingu Mix (Natural Gravel)
Dragonskin Wood
Seiryu Stones
▬ USED PLANTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🌿Anubias barteri var. nana (attached to the Dragonskin)
🌿Bucephalandra (attached to the Dragonskin)
🌿Cryptocoryne wendtii (midground plant)
🌿Cryptocoryne crispatula (midground plant)
🌿Echinodorus Dschungelstar (midground plant)
🌿Echinodorus Green Chamäleon (midground plant)
🌿Hygrophila pinnatifida (attached to the Dragonskin)
▬ SOCIAL MEDIA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Don't forget to like and subscribe this video 👍🏼and follow me on instagram:
Have a look at the @dennerle.official channel and see how the fishes moved in:
▬ MUSIC ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Licensed by ®Epidemic Sound
▬ MY GEAR ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Zhiyun Crane M2[+] Show More
Angelfish amazonian tank - new Biotope Setup - 4K
New Biotope Setup for my 550L amazonian tank/aquarium with wild ...
New Biotope Setup for my 550L amazonian tank/aquarium with wild angelfishes / scalaire fish
Replacing Mangrove wood and dragon stone with river wood and stone
Thanks to @gabaqua from for its ...stuff :)
What do you think ?
Population :
4 Santa Isabel angelfishes
4 Manacapuru angelfishes
4 Biotodoma Cupido
Corydoras Sterbai + Panda
Pleco : L200, L177, L128 (baby !), L066
Red noses
Feel free to comment or ask question :) Thx[+] Show More
Habitat natural e aquário biótopo de Hypancistrus zebra (L46)
Hypancistrus zebra é um Loricariidae endêmico do rio Xingu, Brasil, ...
Hypancistrus zebra é um Loricariidae endêmico do rio Xingu, Brasil, ocorrendo em uma área de pouco mais de 150 km de extensão (grande parte desta área atualmente sobre impacto da ...UHE Belo Monte).
O adulto chega a 7 ou 8 centímetros e vivem em ambientes rasos (0 a 8 metros de profundidade) das áreas rochosas do rio Xingu.
São essencialmente carnívoros, comendo pequenos moluscos, larvas de insetos, e outros invertebrados associados a esponjas de água doce (Porifera).
Costumam ocorrer em fendas e espaços estreitos entre grandes blocos rochosos de gnaisse (rochas granitoides).
Esta espécie está no mercado aquarista mundial desde a década de 1980 e sua reprodução em cativeiro foi dominada na Europa, Ásia e EUA desde o início dos 90.
À partir de 2004 ela entrou para a lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção e, desde então, sua captura é ilegal.
Atualmente, o maior risco à sobrevivência desta espécie na natureza são as alterações ambientais advindas da UHE Belo Monte e, também, do contínuo tráfico de exemplares capturados clandestinamente e enviados para o comércio internacional. Esta demanda por peixes da natureza tem tido impactos significativos nas populações que não foram afetadas pela barragem de Belo Monte.[+] Show More
How I Created the Top-Ranked Biotope in the World
Thanks to UNS for their continued support!!! Project Piaba For 25 ...
Thanks to UNS for their continued support!!!
Project Piaba
For 25 years, Project Piaba has been at the forefront of research into the Rio Negro fishery and its impacts. They are a ...registered non-profit with decades of experience taking groups to this region of Brazil.
The trip includes:
- 2 weeks on a well-appointed live-aboard boat. Participants will share a room with one other person. - Rooms are air-conditioned and include comfortable bunks beds, linens, private in-room bathrooms with toilet and shower, electric outlets.
- Visits to biological hotspots in small boats; opportunities to view fish in their wild habitat when you snorkel.
- Visits and opportunities to meet with aquarium fishing communities.
- Participate in best handing practices training with fishing communities to better the health of exported fish.
- Collect, photograph and release newly legalized species for aquarium export.
- Participate in developing traceability techniques for individual fish through the supply chain.
- Visits to home aquarium fish export facilities.
- Delicious meals prepared by experienced cooks; mineral water, juices, and coffee/tea.
- All possible Covid-19 safety protocols will be adhered to, we are requiring trip participants to be vaccinated and tested prior to departure.
Reach out to Scott Dowd or Jackie Anderson for more information and to reserve your spot
Scott: OR Jackie:[+] Show More
Oxbow edge of stream in Rio Guapore drainage, Bolivia, 345 L
#BADC2018 / Coastal part of blackwater river in Rio Ampiyacu drainage, Peru, 200 L
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best ...
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best biotope aquariums in the world!
Dimensions: 100х40х50 cm
List of fishes: Gasteropelecus sternicla (5x), Pyrrhulina cf. brevis (1m+2f)), Hyphessobrycon bentosi (3m+4f), ...Pterophyllum cf. scalare (Peruvian form, 2m+2f), Apistogramma barlowi (1m+1f), Otocinclus macrospilus (6x), Corydoras trilineatus (6x), Tatia intermedia (2x), Macrobrachium sp. (3x).
List of plants: Hydrocotyle leucocephala, Limnobium laevigatum, Lemna minor (cosmopolitan).
Description of equipment: The filtration was performed by Aquael Turbo Filter 1500. In addition, riparian plants and “flowing meadow” of water-surface plants (which I normally maintain even in larger amounts than was shown here) provide phytofiltration, giving the system stability even in presence of significant amounts of plant debris on the bottom. Biodesign LED lighter (17,5W, 6500K) and 100W heater are used as well. Aquael FZN3 filter was used to enhance water flow in the “Wet season” part of video.
Water parameters: Temperature is 24-26C, conductivity is about 40 ppm, pH is about 5,5.[+] Show More
#BADC2018 / Brazil, Rio Negro, flooded forest at the source of a small igarapé in Cambeua, 480 L
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best ...
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best biotope aquariums in the world!
Dimensions: 160x50x60 cm
List of fishes: Paracheirodon axelrodi, Hemigrammus rhodostomus
Water parameters: t' 26'C ; KH ...7 ; GH 9 ; PH 6.5[+] Show More
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 - the 5th place, South America
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014: ...
Website of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014:
South America biotope aquarium, arranged by Ivan Frank (Croatia) for the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 (held during ZooSphere 2014 in ...Saint Petersburg, Russia). This tank took the 5th place in the contest.
Description of the biotope (as written on the information plate):
Llullapichys (Yuyapichis) River is a 52 km long white water river, starting in Cerro Sirra and ending in Pachitea River in Huanuco, Peru close to the western slopes of the Andes. Bevause of blackwater creeks, rifts and palm swamps its water is almost always murky. Its current vary from very fast to slow. River bottom consists of sand, rounded stones, roots, branches and leaf litter with different plants. Corydoras like sand the most and such is shown in the aquarium. Other species living here are Ancistrus sp., Carnegiella marthae, different Nannostomus, Otocinclus and Apistogramma sp., etc. On southern bank of the river there is a famous research station Panguana. Like almost all rivers of Ucayali system this one is in danger of pollution becasue of gold extraction and logging.
Animals list:
Corydoras panda, Prionobrama filigera, Rineloricaria sp.
Plants list:
Echinodorus quadricostatus "magdalensis", Echinodorus parviflorus "Tropica", Limnobium laevigatum, Myriophyllum mattogrossense, Pistia stratiotes.
"Windswept" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 - the 1st place, South America
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 final was organized during ...
Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015 final was organized during ZooSphere 2015 pet fair in Sankt Petersburg in Russia. Here is the website of the contest:
The 1st place was taken in ...South America category by Svetlana Kirillova from Russia. The aquarium was imitating fragment of backwater of a small forest tributary of Itenez River. In my opinion this layout looks too much like a planted aquascape than like a real biotope tank. There are many species of plants (listed below), and many species of fishes. In the wild such large amounts of species rarely occur in one small area (especially species of plants). There is also barely any plant debris on the bottom - whereas in a forest creek dead leaves and twigs would be probably dominant over living underwater plants.
Nevertheless, smiliar as the aquarium from the 2nd place - very nice tank! It's just not very biotope-like :)
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Ludwigia inclinata
Ludwigia sedioides
Cabomba aquatica
Echinodorus xingu
Eichhornia diversifolia
Myriophyllum brasiliense
Najas guadelupensis
Enjoy the video! :)
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#BADC2019 / Crystal spring pool in distant Amazon tributary, Brazil, 1200 L
Support our project by purchasing the magazine with the 50 best ...